CPP Exam Preparation

Studying for your Exam

Oh, I know, it can seem daunting, even scary, sitting for the CPP Exam. I've been there too, so has every CPP before you. For some folks, test testing just comes natural, I wasn't one of them :). If you're anything like me, it's been more than a few years since I've taken a test, much less an Exam.

Once you're prepared, it won't seem that bad, or scary, you can believe it. But, you will need to make a committment to studying and taking the practice exams.

So, how do you get started? There are a number of published reference materials you need to acquire, either purchasing and keeping for reference, or some of the reference material can be rented on Amazon. One of the best study guides available is: Preparing for PPA Certification by Steve Kozak. Many classes and online training courses are based upon these Study Guides.

To get a copy of Steve's, visit http://passthecpp.com and order it from there. Steve also maintains a Facebook group where questions can be asked and answers recieved.

Another option is Cris Duncan's course. It is very comprehensive - visit the website for more informaton, to try the Trial, and to sign up.

Gary and Kathy Meek typically teach a week long exam prep course at Texas School - visit the Texas School website to learn more about the class.

And, there are CPP Prep pre-con classes at Imaging USA in January. Usually more than 1 class is offered.

Catch me on a good day, and I'll even help you study for your exam. It'll cost ya', but it will be worth it.

Remember, after declaring your candancy at PPA.com, (start here) and paying the fee, you will have at least 2 years to complete your journey.

Learn about the Image Submission.

Dan Ferguson is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and CPP Liaison. CPP Liaisons assist candidates and existing CPPs as subject matter experts and sources of information. Each liaison must maintain his or her certification and PPA Membership, and is entrusted with responsibilities to maintain the integrity of the program.
